七糖, Heptasaccharide (X3Glc4), 货号:O-X3G4
品名:Heptasaccharide (X3Glc4)
纯度: >90%
包装: 50 mg

Versatile high resolution oligosaccharide microarrays for plant glycobiology and cell wall research. Pedersen, H. L., Fangel, J. U., McCleary, B., Ruzanski, C., Rydahl, M. G., Ralet, M. C., Farkas, V., Von Schantz, L., Marcus, S. E., Andersen, M.C. F., Field, R., Ohlin, M., Knox, J. P., Clausen, M. H. & Willats, W. G. T. (2012). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(47), 39429-39438.
Structural basis for entropy-driven cellulose binding by a type-A cellulose-binding module (CBM) and bacterial expansin. Georgelis, N., Yennawar, N. H. & Cosgrove, D. J. (2012). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(37), 14830-14835.
Structural and enzymatic characterization of a glycoside hydrolase family 31 α-xylosidase from Cellvibrio japonicus involved in xyloglucan saccharification. Johan, L., Atsushi, I., Farid, M. I., Azadeh, N., Harry, J. G., Gideon, J. D. & Harry, B. (2011). Biochemical Journal, 436(3), 567-580.
An investigation of the substrate specificity of the xyloglucanase Cel74A from Hypocrea jecorina. Desmet, T., Cantaert, T., Gualfetti, P., Nerinckx, W., Gross, L., Mitchinson, C. & Piens, K. (2007). FEBS Journal, 274(2), 356-363.
Isoprimeverose (Xyloglucan Derived)
Xylosyl-cellobiose (borohydride reduced)
Heptasaccharide (X3Glc4 - borohydride reduced)
Xyloglucan (hepta+octa+nona saccharides)
Higher Degree of Polymerisation Xyloglucan Oligosaccharides
AZCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind)
Azo-Xyloglucan (Tamarind)
Xyloglucan (Tamarind)
Xyloglucanase (GH5) (Paenibacillus sp.)